Brazil Food Chain was a small project intended for us to learn how to make cardgame mechanics. We made it just in a week and learned a lot!

How to play:

This game resembles solitaire, in which you have types of cards - biomes in this case - and you have to place them in order. You will be dealt cards every turn that can be played in the appropriate place and the appropriate order.

The order is: plant > herbivore > carnivore > fungus > plant and so on. Its a cycle!

The more cards you play, the more points you earn.

The game will end if you have 7 or more cards prior to draw phase.

We know some improvements that can be done. Language wise, we ended leaving the animals names and other details in Portuguese. Balance wise, we didn't do much to stop the player getting stuck, just pray for good RNG. Other thing, it's not clear when you have the 7 cards that cause you to loose.

If you read this, thank you so much for your interest. It really means a lot!


For fonts and soundtrack, Kenney

For music, we got it from Zydro

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